Common Terms Used in Link Building
Link building is a job of common interest these days as it fetches desired results and with the increasing use of internet, the situation has really changed because today the world is of internet. Everybody is making use of internet in his /her business. To be more precise and accurate with the usage and the scope of link building, one has been clear with the terms involved in it. As we commence with words when we make attempt to learn a new language, likewise in order to understand link building more precisely, one really has to have an in depth knowledge of the terms used in link building! Let us now have a look over these terms in an alphabetic order and understand what they really mean!
Directory: a directory is basically an index of web pages, which is compiled by people. It is generally organized by the topic or theme! Examples of directory could be taken as Yahoo, About etc.
Keywords: a keyword is a word or a phrase used when we searches for a website through search engine or search in a directory. Keywords are used by the webmaster in order to describe or explain in brief, what his site is all about, what is the content of the site!
Keyword Density: keyword density represents the frequency of the keywords that appears in a page of website or precisely, in a particular portion of page. The more often the keyword or phrase appears in a page, the higher its search engine ranking. That is why it is really critical and important element. Not only this, if it is repeated too often then it could be penalized for practicing spamming.
Link building : link building is a process of creating inbound links to own website.
Link Exchange Programs : A link exchange program refers to a sign up program whereby the webmasters agrees to host and link to a member-only link pages! Although some variations are also observed!
Link Farm: link farm are the random links on a page. They can be considered as spamming as they really do not help in popularity.
Link Management: link management is the process of managing reciprocal links of a website. It basically includes maintaining and organizing them! This is normally a paid service and the examples could be taken as LinksManager!
Link Popularity: link popularity is the number of sites that links to a particular site. It is also used by many websites as a factor to determine the search engine ranking of a website.
Meta Description Tag: Meta description tags are those which are present in the header of a web page and it is used to provide a short description of the content of the webpage!
Meta Keywords Tag: on the other hand, Meta keyword tags are present in the header of a webpage but it lists the words which represents the content in the body of the web page.
Pay Per Click Search Engine: Pay Per Click Search Engine is a search engine in which the ranking of the sites is determined by the amount it pays for its each click done from that search engine to the website.
Portal: Portals are the directories and many of the portals have added features like news, reminders, browser based email, calendars, fax services, discussion forums and chats!
Reciprocal links or link exchanges: it is the process where two webmasters agree to show the other's link on their website for a mutual interest and benefit. Reciprocal links are usually listed in e-zines, newsletters, directories, search engines, etc.
Search Engine Optimization: This is the practice of trying to ensure that a website ranks high in the search engines. It entails all of the practices and processes those results in higher indexing and ranking of a website!
Search Engine: search engine is a computerized index of the web pages; that creates a searchable database. Examples of search engine are AltaVista, Google, Yahoo and MSN!
Spamming: Spamming is the process of abusing the search engine ranking techniques. Practices includes, using hidden text, excessive repetition of a keyword, etc. sending unsolicited bulk email is also spamming!