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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Common Terms Used in Link Building

Link building is a job of common interest these days as it fetches desired results and with the increasing use of internet, the situation has really changed because today the world is of internet. Everybody is making use of internet in his /her business. To be more precise and accurate with the usage and the scope of link building, one has been clear with the terms involved in it. As we commence with words when we make attempt to learn a new language, likewise in order to understand link building more precisely, one really has to have an in depth knowledge of the terms used in link building! Let us now have a look over these terms in an alphabetic order and understand what they really mean!

Directory: a directory is basically an index of web pages, which is compiled by people. It is generally organized by the topic or theme! Examples of directory could be taken as Yahoo, About etc.

Keywords: a keyword is a word or a phrase used when we searches for a website through search engine or search in a directory. Keywords are used by the webmaster in order to describe or explain in brief, what his site is all about, what is the content of the site!

Keyword Density: keyword density represents the frequency of the keywords that appears in a page of website or precisely, in a particular portion of page. The more often the keyword or phrase appears in a page, the higher its search engine ranking. That is why it is really critical and important element. Not only this, if it is repeated too often then it could be penalized for practicing spamming.

Link building : link building is a process of creating inbound links to own website.

Link Exchange Programs : A link exchange program refers to a sign up program whereby the webmasters agrees to host and link to a member-only link pages! Although some variations are also observed!

Link Farm: link farm are the random links on a page. They can be considered as spamming as they really do not help in popularity.

Link Management: link management is the process of managing reciprocal links of a website. It basically includes maintaining and organizing them! This is normally a paid service and the examples could be taken as LinksManager!

Link Popularity: link popularity is the number of sites that links to a particular site. It is also used by many websites as a factor to determine the search engine ranking of a website.

Meta Description Tag: Meta description tags are those which are present in the header of a web page and it is used to provide a short description of the content of the webpage!

Meta Keywords Tag: on the other hand, Meta keyword tags are present in the header of a webpage but it lists the words which represents the content in the body of the web page.

Pay Per Click Search Engine: Pay Per Click Search Engine is a search engine in which the ranking of the sites is determined by the amount it pays for its each click done from that search engine to the website.

Portal: Portals are the directories and many of the portals have added features like news, reminders, browser based email, calendars, fax services, discussion forums and chats!

Reciprocal links or link exchanges: it is the process where two webmasters agree to show the other's link on their website for a mutual interest and benefit. Reciprocal links are usually listed in e-zines, newsletters, directories, search engines, etc.

Search Engine Optimization: This is the practice of trying to ensure that a website ranks high in the search engines. It entails all of the practices and processes those results in higher indexing and ranking of a website!

Search Engine: search engine is a computerized index of the web pages; that creates a searchable database. Examples of search engine are AltaVista, Google, Yahoo and MSN!

Spamming: Spamming is the process of abusing the search engine ranking techniques. Practices includes, using hidden text, excessive repetition of a keyword, etc. sending unsolicited bulk email is also spamming!

Different Ways To Increase Targeted Traffic To Your Website

When I first started documenting the methods I used for my initial authority site case study I needed to figure out exactly how I could drive traffic to my site. So, I sat down and listed all of the methods I have used (and currently use) to drive traffic to my website. So, here's a list of how you can increase targeted traffic to your website:

Article Submission

  • Article Directories

  • Article Trading

    • Trade your articles directly with other webmasters / friends (be sure to include your resource box)

  • Article Giveaway (to relevant sites)

    • Give away your unique articles to top sites in your niche (be sure to include your resource box)


  • Create own network of “feeder” blogs (using free or your own hosted blogs)

  • Blog Traffic Services (purchase rights to post snippets in blog posts with anchor text links to your page)

  • Blog Comments (quality comments in relevant blogs – many blogs have nofollow)


Craigslist (short-term strategy)

  • US Free Ads (short-term strategy)

  • eBay (short-term strategy)


  • Reciprocal Links with Relevant Sites (trade links one for one with webmasters)

  • Three Way Links (do a three way link exchange with webmasters who own multiple websites)

  • Link Exchange Services (such as Link Vault or Link Metro)

  • Purchase Links (from webmasters or a link broker)


  • Co-Registration Lists

  • Joint Venture (other marketer's email lists)

  • Opt-in List (requires you to build your own list first…)

  • Safe Lists


  • Ezine Advertising (advertise in various newsletters)

  • Pay-Per-Click (such as Google, YPN, MSN Adcenter etc.)

  • Offline Advertising (flyers, direct mail etc.)

Press Releases

  • PRWeb (paid service with large distribution)

  • Free PR Services
Social Media

Guide to Traffic From Digg Comments

Rand's post on low referral traffic from Digg inspired me to write about a little-known potential traffic goldmine—Digg comments. I noticed some time ago that first post comments on front page stories can drive some remarkable traffic. Here are two recent examples.

Last week I posted the first comment on "4 Gas Saving Myths" just before it hit the main page and linked to two relevant articles about fuel efficiency and gas prices . This comment generated 1,438 visitors. The first comment on "Is Mythbusters The Best Science Show on the Telly?" about Mythbuster's flawed statistics drove 1,901 visitors. Thousands of visitors for simple comments? Here's my guide to traffic from Digg comments. Read carefully—go about Digg comments the wrong way and you just might get death threats—I'm not kidding, more about that later.

  1. First, your links must post to quality content. The three articles I linked to above are well-written, well-researched articles. Two of the three articles that I linked to have even been featured on Slashdot ( 1 , 2 ). Quality, of course, is a relative term. Given the typical Digg banter, the threshold for adding quality content can sometimes quite low. The links, however, cannot point to pages that are clearly blogspam or you are sure to face Digg's wrath.
  2. Must be on topic. This is probably more important than the quality of the link. It may seem obvious, but if your comment/link doesn't relate to the article, especially if it contains a link, then it will be buried.
  3. First posts comments are going to receive exponentially more traffic than later posts. They can set the tone for the rest of the discussion and can be almost as important as the actual article being linked to. If the Digg article already has a comment then it is usually better to reply to the first comment than submit a new comment. This is true even if your comment isn't a direct response to the comment you are replying to. Otherwise, the first comment will eventually get dozens of replies, pushing the second comment way down the page where it will not be seen by most. For example, I replied to the first comment on a post about Google searches . The first post was buried with 16 negative votes which effectively gave me the first post. This comment brought 509 visitors. In my opinion, this is a flaw with the Digg comment system where you can only reply to root comments. It provides an incentive for disjointed discussions. I suspect that Digg will redo their comment system at some point in the near future.
  4. If you are looking for traffic from your posts, it does little good to comment on articles that are already on Digg's front page. There are two reasons for this. First, you no longer have the first post advantage and your comment will be lost among the masses. The second reason is that the highest amount of traffic will come while the post is at the top of main page. Each minute that passes is lost traffic. It's much better to find future front page stories from the upcoming stories section . This is not hard. Checking the “hot in technology” on the right side of the page will show you which posts are most likely to hit the front page in the next few hours. Of course, you can drill down to other topics besides technology as well. The cloud view and other tools can also be used to predict which stories are most likely to hit the front page.
  5. As with all forums and websites, if you focus solely on promoting your website it will eventually come back to haunt you. All your links and submitted stories should not be to your own sites.
  6. Digg, as a general rule, has a negative bias towards all things SEO and marketing. If you have a name like SEOmoz (sorry), there are some people that aren't going to give you a fair shake .
  7. Digg does not use the NoFollow tag. However, if you receive a 'thumbs down' from four users your comment will be hidden by default. At some point in the future Digg may follow Wikipedia's lead and move to NoFollow tags. I'd recommend it to prevent link spam but generally the community is quick to bury.
  8. Realize that although you may receive many new visitors they may be less likely to stay around than traffic you receive from other sources. As you can see from the statistics below, the bounce rate was between 74-92%. The average time on site was 20 seconds for the Mythbusters article and just over a minute for the fuel and gas articles. I'm sure that there are ways the site can improve its stickiness (any ideas?), but the point remains the same—Digg visitors are less likely to stick around than traffic from other sources.

By way of full disclosure, the site I linked to, OmniNerd , is not my site. I have no financial relationship with the site and don't know how their GoogleAds performed, but I suspect that very few visitors from Digg clicked on ads. If AdSense earnings are your primary motivation, Digg is probably not your best option.

Although this is not my site, OmniNerd did let me peek into their Google Analytics for this story. Since the stats used above are from Google Analytics and not the server logs, the actual traffic may be higher than I reported. According to something I read on StumbleUpon , “A large portion of...Firefox users have added the NoScript add-on to their browser. This is one of the top-10 most popular extensions for Firefox. This extension blocks any javascript calls...caus[ing]...Google not work." If that's true, then the actual traffic from these comments could be higher than recorded. Currently about 50% of OmniNerd's recorded visitors use Firefox. How many are not being counted? Does anyone have experience with Google Analytics not counting all their traffic?

Although Digg comments can be a valuable source of traffic, the reaction to spam can be painful. A couple months ago Chandler Kent learned that the hard way when he submitted a comment with a link to his blog under his name, as is common practice in most forums. It quickly received hundreds of “thumbs down” but didn't stop there. Someone posted his phone number and he began to receive creepy phone calls and comments such as he "deserves to be hunted down and stalked." Ironically, his recounting of the fallout was widely publicized as “ The Most Hated Comment on Digg ” and brought him a ton of traffic.

Comments on Digg can bring you some nice traffic if you are willing to risk your life.